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6 Simple Self-Care Habits MILSOs Should Start Now

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No Need To Wait

People in general tend to put everything and everyone else before themselves, especially women. Trust me, I’m no different. We put our careers, boss, clients and businesses ahead of our sleep and sanity, take care of our significant others and children and only really focus on ourselves if everything else is done. As a MILSO, we also organize all PCS paperwork and logistics, deal with deployment separation, emotions and reintegration, and starting over, all while thinking we need to put that above ourselves again.

Well I am here to tell you, that isn’t going to cut it! We need simple self-care habits to implement on a consistent (if not daily) basis.

While we certainly can be compared to Wonder Woman (or Superman), we do need to practice self-care and make sure our own happiness and health a priority. I have said this before; you cannot pour from an empty cup! I’m serious! If we are unhappy, feeling tired, or under-appreciated, then everything starts falling by the wayside.

I’m sharing 6 simple self-care habits to start now. Yes, right now! I am going to take my own advice and start practicing these habits as well!

#1 Get Ready Every Day

I work from home, plus I am a mom of 3 little kids under the age of 5, so my normal outfit is workout clothes or pajamas! This isn’t the most confident-growing choice. Sure, it is comfortable, warm and cozy, but I don’t feel as good in my skin as when I wear my favorite jeans and a cute top. I also wear my hair in a messy bun which can be made cute by adding a tie from Simple and Blush, which are amazing!

We give excuses about how we “don’t have the time” or “comfort is most important” and sometimes that really is the case. But shouldn’t that be the exception and not the rule?

If you find yourself not feeling happy or confident in what you wear, make it a point to “get ready” every day. Not only will you feel better in your own skin, but it radiates confidence and self-love to those around you. Don’t let that closet full of clothes go unworn! Plus, maybe think about doing some Marie Kondo to your closet if you aren’t wearing the clothes.

#2 Go for a walk/run

Nature, exercise and fresh air can really do wonders for your soul. When I was pregnant with my first and my husband was deployed, I use to go on long walks around my neighborhood, ear buds in listening to my favorite music or podcast. It not only helped me physically, but also emotionally when dealing with any stress. If you have kids, pack up that stroller, get out the scooters/bikes and get out of the house. I have found joining groups such as Stroller Warriors (military spouse ran group), Stroller Strides or Fit4Moms are also great ways to not only benefit from the exercise, but also for finding your tribe.

You don’t have to run marathons or anything, but getting outside and walk for at least 10-15 minutes a day can make a world of difference. Put on your favorite music or audio book (and if you have kids, let them join too) and take that time to recharge.

#3 Start journaling

Everyone, and anyone, can benefit from journaling. It’s not just for pre-teen girls spilling their guts about the latest boy crush. Keeping a journal is a great way to keep track of your goals, thoughts, dreams and feelings. It is also a great way to measure progress of goals and to track your priorities in life, both personally and professionally. Not to mention, your goals are 10 times more likely to be achieved if they are written down.

The key to journaling is to be consistent with it. It doesn’t have to take a lot of time, even 10 minutes a day before bed can make a difference, but it does take a consistent effort. It doesn’t have to be the standard spiral-bound notebook either! There are journaling apps or even personal blogs as options too. Find the method that works with your needs and style the best!

#4 Indulge in the little things

Simple indulgences can really make deployments, moving and the drudge of everyday life just a little sweeter. This does not have to be a budget breaker by any means, but be sure to add it to your budget as you are able! Whether it’s your favorite Starbucks drink, splurging on a pizza for Friday night, or snagging that new blouse, it truly can be the “little things” that make a difference in your personal moral.

#5 Avoid things that don’t make you happy

As those left behind, we take it upon ourselves to “do-all-the-things”. Add that to the stigma that we “shouldn’t say no” and you have a recipe for a burnout. This isn’t healthy and, as I have said before, this doesn’t do anyone any good! If something on your schedule or in your life takes away from time to yourself, your personal sanity or emotional/physical care, don’t be afraid to say no! In fact, saying no more than you say yes can actually have a positive affect. You will be fully engaged in what you do say yes to, resulting in a better job!

As adults, it is not always possible to avoid things that make us “unhappy”. Take note of what affect it has on your wellbeing. Is it simply a boring responsibility, like paying bills? Or is it draining your resources, like maybe forcing you to pull all-nighters on the regular? Never put yourself in a situation that drains you past where you can recoup. That is the opposite of self-care!

#6 Begin the day with gratitude

This probably should be first on the list, but I put it here to leave you with something I feel is the most important as a MILSO. Military life can be romanticized at times, but reality sometimes can bring negative thoughts and disappointment. Although it may seem impossible at times, especially knee deep in a deployment, focusing on the things going right in your life can have a extremely positive affect on your self-care and health! Plus, you are happier because of it! Begin each day by listing at least 3-5 things you are thankful for. You can even include this in your journaling session! Instead of focusing on what is going wrong, you are focusing on what is going right. This makes everything else seem a lot less negative!

Don’t Wait Any longer.

I know how you feel. I know that it feels like if you take anymore time for yourself, then something else is going to fall through the cracks. But I promise, that is not the case. These six tips do not take much time, but the rewards will more than makeup any time you put into them. And if you are ready for more, make sure to check out my FREE Self-Care Challenge eCourse. After all, you CAN’T pour from an EMPTY cup! So let’s fill those cups up!

What is something you plan to start implementing right away?

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Hi! Welcome to Mrs. Navy Mama.

I’m Noralee- a military wife of over 10 years, mother of three (soon to be 4) under 5, and lover of southern comfort food, my planner and chocolate. Military life is hard, no question.

Mrs. Navy Mama is a place where new military girlfriends, fiancees, or spouses can get tips and an honest perspective about military challenges.